Eric: Can’t stop moving – forward


Eric West never stops moving.

He moved to Los Angeles with his family without a job and eventually found himself homeless and alone after a falling out with the mother of his children. He now lives in a shelter.

“They start the wake up calls at like 4:30 in the morning. That’s when all the lights come on. They turn on TVs no matter what,” said Eric describing how he wakes up every morning at a shelter. “I’m getting up and that’s not even my choice.”

While it took some getting use to, Eric now embraces these early starts and uses his situation to constantly be moving and learning while chasing his dream.

Between working two jobs, attends welding school, and studying to be a personal trainer, Eric typically bikes more than 30 miles a day moving from one place to the next. He does all this while carrying most of what he owns on his back.

Eric is always moving, which means he’s also always tired.

“You can’t rest until you get to where you’re supposed to get,” he says. “And I’m not there yet, my goals are still out of reach.”

Until then Eric keeps moving.

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